The Link
The Magazine of CMU’s
School of Computer Science
Special Edition: Space
Spring 2023 | Issue 17.1
The Link is the magazine of Carnegie Mellon
University’s School of Computer Science,
published for alumni, students, faculty,
staff and friends. Copyright 2022 Carnegie
Mellon University. All rights reserved.
Martial Hebert
Kevin O’Connell
Contributing Writers
Aaron Aupperlee, Susie Cribbs (DC 2000, 2006),
Niki Kapsambelis, Kevin O’Connell, Kayla Papakie
Chris Quirk
Monica Banaszak (A 1984)
Ruochi Zhang, Yang Zhang
Space images courtesy of NASA
Kevin Lorenzi, Sally Maxson,
Nate Smallwood
Office of the Dean
Gates Center for Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
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