CMU Heads to The Moon
Mission: Ignite Modern-day Planetary Exploration
Aaron Aupperlee
Raewyn Duvall looks at the Moon differently these days, even though she feels she rarely looks at all. As the commander of the Iris mission, Duvall hasn’t had much time to step out at night and gaze up. During the months leading up to the launch of the shoebox-sized rover, the Carnegie Mellon University team has been busy: a bevy of tests needed before flight — vibration, radiation, thermal, electromagnetic — all passed with flying colors, nights spent hunched over circuit boards with soldering irons completing last-minute reconfigurations, and software update after software update. Even after the rover was bolted onto its lander and out of the team’s hands, they were updating software.
The Iris rover will be the smallest and lightest rover to land on the Moon.
But in September of 2022, several months before Iris’ expected launch date, Duvall was at a wedding and stepped outside with some friends. The Moon beamed big and bright.
“I pointed up at the Moon and shouted, ‘I can see our landing site,’” Duvall said. “It was crazy to know that’s where we’ll be and knowing that when we’re there, we’ll be the first Americans back on the Moon.”
CMU, in a collaboration cutting across the School of Computer Science, College of Engineering, School of Design and other departments, is going to the Moon. Iris is scheduled to lift off this year and after a month-long journey to the Moon, deploy from its lander and send back images of the lunar surface. Catching a ride on the same rocket and lander as Iris is MoonArk, an intricate titanium, platinum and sapphire artifact containing hundreds of images, poems and music relating to earthly arts, humanities, science and technologies.
“I pointed up at the Moon and shouted, ‘I can see our landing site,’” Duvall said. “It was crazy to know that’s where we’ll be and knowing that when we’re there, we’ll be the first Americans back on the Moon.”

At Carnegie Mellon University, collaboration is in our DNA. The MoonArk project embodies and exemplifies our collaborative efforts, weaving human narratives of the arts, humanities, sciences and technologies into an integrated sculpture set to arrive on the Moon aboard Astrobotic’s mission to land the Iris Rover. The coordinated effort of 18 universities and organizations and more than 250 contributing artists, designers, educators, scientists, engineers, choreographers, poets, writers and musicians, MoonArk is designed to weave a complex narrative of humanity.
The human connection to the Moon transcends known time. We have long pondered the Moon, wondered how it stirs the tides, affects the growth patterns of life and how it has always been our gateway to the heavens and space exploration. MoonArk’s design directs our attention from the Earth outward, into the cosmos and beyond, and reflects back to Earth as an endless dialogue that speaks to our context within the universe.
In order to be afforded passage on the journey, MoonArk has been designed to be exceedingly small. Four 2x2 inch chambers make up its cargo hold, all weighing in at a mere nine ounces. Yet despite its modest size, MoonArk is intricate, containing hundreds of images, poems, pieces of music, nano-objects, mechanisms and earthly samples.
To survive the trip and become a permanent artifact on the Moon, MoonArk has been fabricated of titanium, platinum and sapphire — materials sturdy enough to have successfully passed space-readiness thermal and vacuum testing. In fact, building MoonArk instigated original innovation and invention of digital fabrication techniques, ultra-high-resolution imaging and innovations in material science and digital storage techniques.
Two identical MoonArks have been created, one headed to the Moon and one to remain here on Earth, as part of the permanent collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
A few years later, MoonRanger will start to explore the Moon’s south pole, bringing an unprecedented level of autonomy to the lunar surface. The upcoming lunar missions are ambitious. They will herald America’s return to the Moon while planting a flag for university-led planetary exploration. They will lay claim to firsts. They will take risks NASA and other space agencies shun, incorporating new materials and new technology. And they will inspire the next generation looking toward space with wonder.
“It’s transformational,” said CMU planetary robotics pioneer William “Red” Whittaker, the Founders University Research Professor in the Robotics Institute. “We’re not doing this in the same old same old sort of way. This is a revolution of miniaturization, of high-end capabilities, and of lean development that you can’t get elsewhere.
“It is very special, and it’s auguring in the way to come.”
With MoonRanger's top speed of five centimeters per second, the team hopes the rover will cover about a kilometer during its mission.
“It’s transformational. This is a revolution of miniaturization, of high-end capabilities, and of lean development that you can’t get elsewhere.”
_A Mission of Firsts
When Iris rolls over the Moon’s surface on its distinctive bottle cap wheels, it will mark several firsts in lunar exploration. The tiny rover is scheduled to lift off from John F. Kennedy Space Center this year aboard Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lander and atop a United Launch Alliance (ULA) rocket. After a 30-day flight to the Moon, the lander will descend to Lacus Mortis, the Lake of Death, a plain of lava flows in the northeastern part of the near-side of the Moon. Upon landing, Iris will deploy from Peregrine and begin its 60-hour mission, taking photos as it moves across the surface.
“There’s going to be some intense moments,” Duvall said.
Volcanoes in Lacus Mortis, the Peregrine lander's touch down location on the Moon's near side. Image courtesy of NASA.
Iris team members (right) Connor Colombo (E 2021) the Chief Engineer and Madhav Gajula, one of the Flight Directors and a first-year student in the Mellon College of Science, run tests on the rover in the sandbox of the High Bay in the Gates Center for Computer Science.
Iris will be the first American rover on the Moon. Yes, American astronauts did drive Lunar Roving Vehicles on the lunar surface during the final Apollo missions, but Iris will be America’s first robotic rover, the first rover in the spirit of modern-day Martian rovers like Curiosity and Perseverance, on the Moon. Other nations have put rovers on the Moon. The Soviets did it first in 1970 with Lunokhod. Most recently, China successfully deployed rovers on the Moon while India tried but lost its Pragyan rover when its lander crashed.
Depending on the final launch date, it will also be among the first student-developed rovers on the Moon. About 300 students — primarily undergraduates, a few master's students and Duvall, the only Ph.D. student — have worked on Iris or projects leading up to Iris. The CubeRover was one such student project that started in 2017 and paved the way for small, lightweight rovers. As Iris evolved from prior research projects, faculty stepped back.
“People like Red and others really wanted to make sure it was the students making the decisions and driving the design and development processes,” Duvall said.
The rover will also be the smallest and lightest rover to land on the Moon. Its size and, more importantly, its weight, drove many of the engineering decisions and challenges the team faced. Iris weighs just two kilograms and is the size of a shoebox. Yutu-2, China’s rover on the far side of the Moon, weighs 140 kilograms and is a meter and a half tall. Perseverance, the latest NASA rover to land on Mars, weighs 1,025 kilograms and is the size of a small car.
To make weight, Iris needed more firsts. Since the actuators and batteries — six total, each no larger than a tube of lipstick — make up most of its weight, the rest of the rover had to be as light as could be. Iris will be the first rover with a carbon fiber chassis and carbon fiber wheels. Aluminum is the preferred material for planetary exploration. The bottle cap-shaped wheels themselves are a novel design.
“This mission is about proving that we can do it, that students can go to the Moon, that small rovers can make it there,” Duvall said. “The Moon has always been this Apollo-era ideal for people. But as soon as we do this, as soon as there is a private landing, and we show that a university, that a team of students, can put a rover on the Moon, it is suddenly possible for everybody.”
“This mission is about proving that we can do it, that students can go to the Moon, that small rovers can make it there”
Nikolai Stefanov and Cheyu Tu, a first-year student in the Dietrich College and a member of the development team for FLEUR (Fault List Evaluator for Ultimate Response), test the Iris rover prototype in the Sand Box.
Getting to the Moon will require a few firsts as well. The launch will be the first of the United Launch Alliance's (ULA) Vulcan Centaur rockets, likely the first rocket to use methane as fuel. It’s also the first flight for Astrobotic, the CMU spinout company aiming to usher in an era of private lunar missions.
The mission’s firsts don’t keep Duvall up at night. She is confident the ULA rocket and Astrobotic lander will deliver Iris safely to the Moon. She is confident Iris will deploy and send back stunning imagery that changes what is possible. But most importantly, she’s confident in her team.
“We’ve done everything we can to make this a successful mission,” Duvall said. “What keeps me up at night is making sure we continue to do everything possible to give Iris the best possible chance to succeed up there.”
And while Iris is up there, operational on the lunar surface, Duvall doesn’t intend to sleep.
_Moving Fast, Taking Risks
MoonRanger intends to hit the ground running. It has to.
Tim Angert, the RI Machine Shop Manager, integrating Iris the rover on the lander deck.
The suitcase-sized rover’s target is the south pole of the Moon, and it will have a dual mission once it lands and lifts its sail-like solar panel to the sun. The rover aims to demonstrate that autonomous navigation technology developed for Earth’s self-driving cars will work on other planets. It will also carry an instrument designed to test for hydrogen in the lunar soil, potentially indicating the presence of ice.
MoonRanger doesn’t have a launch date set. Originally, the team expected their rover to fly and land on the Moon in late 2023. Those plans, however, were grounded when Masten Space Systems, the company building the lander, filed for bankruptcy in July 2022. NASA remains committed to the MoonRanger program and getting the rover to the Moon.
When MoonRanger does land, its missions could change the course of planetary exploration. If MoonRanger can show that autonomy works on the Moon, it could enable a new generation of autonomous rovers and usher in automated science in space. (For more on automated science in space, see the story on page 56.) And the ice that the Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS) locates will have great scientific value and serve as a valuable resource for future missions. But the rover has an extremely limited time to complete these missions before the light disappears from the southern pole and with it MoonRanger’s power and heat.
“We’ve got 10 days,” said Whittaker, who is leading the development of MoonRanger. “And this rover has the ambition to roam far, measure and map and to do it again and again, so there is a need for speed.”
MoonRanger’s comparatively short mission — most rovers land on their planets with intentions to operate for years — will be dictated by its location and the lunar day. One lunar day is about 29 Earth days, and each pole is in sunlight for about half that. Knowing that MoonRanger will not deploy right at polar dawn and that shadows from surrounding peaks will obscure the light for periods of time, the team estimates they have 10 to 12 days to complete their mission.
“MoonRanger has the kind of driving autonomy that CMU has specialized in for decades.”
David Wettergreen, research professor in the Robotics Institute and part of the MoonRanger team.
Planetary rovers don’t move fast, and they don’t cover a lot of ground. The Perseverance rover on Mars has a top speed of 4.2 centimeters per second but spends most of its time stationary. Yutu-2, the Chinese rover on the Moon, traveled about a kilometer in its first year there. MoonRanger has a top speed of five centimeters a second, and the team hopes it can cover about a kilometer during its short mission. Rovers move slowly. Speed comes in decision making.
Before the current fleet of planetary rovers moves, teams on Earth digest volumes of data, meticulously plan the route and beam it across space for execution. This takes time, which MoonRanger doesn’t have. What MoonRanger has is autonomy.
“It has the kind of driving autonomy that CMU has specialized in for decades, and it can bring it to bear such that it stays on the move,” Whittaker said.
MoonRanger’s autonomy will allow it to chart its own path to reach waypoints sent to it by the team on Earth. The rover will receive the waypoint, venture out from the lander — its NSS instrument ticking away like a Geiger counter as it gathers data — return to the lander, receive the next waypoint and go out again. The rover’s autonomy will be put to the test. MoonRanger is so small and so light that it can’t carry a radio that can communicate with Earth. Once it ventures beyond the range of the lander, MoonRanger is on its own.
Enabling the rover’s autonomy requires an impressive mix of hardware and software. A set of stereo cameras the rover uses to see are designed to work in both brilliant light and total darkness. Images from these cameras must be processed quickly onboard to keep it moving, requiring impressive computing power for its size and use of a graphics processing unit, a standard microprocessor in high-end terrestrial computing systems but nearly unheard of in space, where most crafts carry 1990s-era computer chips.
The MoonRanger team took the algorithms developed over decades at CMU for autonomous vehicles on Earth and rewrote them to work with NASA’s core flight system. This required vast amounts of software engineering, software test planning, verification and validation. The process took a year.
“MoonRanger now navigates autonomously,” said David Wettergreen, a research professor in the Robotics Institute and part of the MoonRanger team. “But there are so many unpredictable factors with the Moon.
We’re trying to be better prepared for situations that might occur. It’s never going to be perfect.”
Testing of MoonRanger’s software happens constantly. The team developed a simulator where the rover covered six kilometers on the Moon in one weekend. The team also built a sandbox in the high bay of the Planetary Robotics Lab. There, a copy of MoonRanger drives around rocks and other obstacles.
Autonomous navigation isn’t new in planetary exploration — research at CMU stretches back into the 1980s and Curiosity used it on Mars in 2013 — but the perception of its risk remains. MoonRanger is embracing those risks to demonstrate what’s possible.
“Maybe that’s all that’s needed to break that perception,” Wettergreen said. ■